If you’re on LinkedIn as much as me you know that most of the video content is bland and boring. It lacks originality and doesn’t stand out. My guest today, Alex B Sheridan, breaks the mold by putting out videos that entertain and educate at the same time. He uses storytelling, humor, and visuals to share valuable information that packs a punch.
He is literally a Linkedin Standup comedian and his company Impaxs helps entrepreneurs understand how to use content, specifically video content, to generate revenue.
Here’s what you can look forward to on this episode:
- How to stand out from the crowd
- Why he doesn’t believe in having a plan B
- How to unleash your creative spirit
- Alex breakdowns his creative process step by step
- Importance of being intentional and having clarity around your message
- How to build a sales funnel to monetize video content
Where you can find Alex:
Website: https://impaxs.com/
Social Media:
LinkedIn: Alex B. Sheridan
Instagram: alex_b_sheridan
Tiktok: alex.b.sheridan
Insight Out Links:
Email > billy@insightoutshow.com
Instagram > @insightoutpodcast
YouTube > https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXgR9qVXhRvXVqbb0FQoCmg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/insightoutshow/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/insightoutshow/
TikTok > @insightout
Twitter > @insightoutshow
Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=23010497)
Check These Out:
- A Man of Great Discipline – Steve Wohlenhaus
- How to Stand Out in a Noisy World – Brendan Kane
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