In this episode, I have a fantastic conversation with Chris Wahl, the co-founder of Swich Power and a dynamic leader with o20 years of leadership experience including a decade leading some of the highest performing sales teams in the solar industry. Chris is a strategic and caring leader, and I have firsthand and the impact he makes. He is absolutely adored by his team and I think you’ll understand why as you get to know him in this episode. On the show, we’ll learn what he means when he says he likes to stay where his feet are, why perspective and gratitude have been central themes in his life, and he’ll get very personal and share why serving others, especially those who need it most, has been such a critical component of his life. We’ll also learn how he manages a busy schedule while not compromising the things that keep him healthy, what he means when he says he’s all-in, what Ted Talk did he watch that changed his life, and why he believes living your legacy is so important. This show is full of insights like these and others so please enjoy the conversation with Chris Wahl and another episode of Insight Out!
Chris’ most recommended book: The Go-Giver
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