Today’s guest is Mike Terry, Founder & President of HomeLink. Mike was one of my first mentors in the solar industry and I owe much of my early success to his guidance and leadership. As you will see, Mike thinks about entrepreneurship, leadership, and life in a very unique way. He is a natural problem solver and usually comes up with creative solutions to make the companies he works for more productive and efficient.
He is smart, funny, and incredibly direct. Mike is truly one of the most brilliant strategic thinkers I know. On the show, we learn what lesson he learned while he was a movie theatre manager that can be applied to all businesses, what two jobs he recommends to anyone, and why he feels we have to override how we hard-wired as a species to be successful as an entrepreneur. We also learn what Mike recommends cutting back on to be more successful, how a ride a Disneyland is a great metaphor for how we should manage our lives, and what daily activity he does to help him have more insights.
We also learn what he means when he says we have recency bias, why he believes getting fired is actually a good thing, and why it is so important to recognize when we are in a money booth. Mike shares so much knowledge that I have broken his interviews into two episodes and I will release part two as a bonus sales insights episode later this week. For now, I hope you enjoy part one fo this truly unique and interesting conversation with Mike Terry on this episode of Insight Out!
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Check These Out:
- Moneyball, Call Me Maybe, and Sales Insights with Mike Terry
- How to Make the Decision to be Your Best Self – Mike Bayer
- Chris Do on Business Survival Skills During Change
- Consistency, Avoiding Distractions, and Living Your Fullest Potential with Ted Vergis
- How to Build a Personal Brand – Lorena Acosta